Keep Me in the Loop- North Carolina

"IMPACT KiDS! after school Bible clubs are a worthy endeavor. This deserves your volunteers and
your resources to get off the ground in your city."
-Kenny Grant, Pastor

"We have an opportunity to minister to children who may not have any other Christ-like influence in their young lives."
-Addie, Pastor's Wife and Volunteer

We are excited to stay connected with you and share all the amazing things that God is doing!
We are excited about IMPACTING the next generation of North Carolina through empowering and equipping the local church!

How will we do it?

But we need your help to make this vision a reality:

Learn more at our website and follow us on Facebook and Instagram!
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"IMPACT KiDS! after school Bible clubs are a worthy endeavor. This deserves your volunteers and
your resources to get off the ground in your city."
-Kenny Grant, Pastor

"We have an opportunity to minister to children who may not have any other Christ-like influence in their young lives."
-Addie, Pastor's Wife and Volunteer

We are excited to stay connected with you and share all the amazing things that God is doing!